Tonight was the premier of the 24 season of MTv's the real world. and this season its located in New Orleans.
this is the second time that a season of the real world was filmed in New Orleans, so this season should be different, with differnt arguments, love, hook-ups, and drama.
i can already see that im going to be in love with this season.
there are 4 girls and 4 guys, giving us a total of 8 strangers picked to live together for 3 months.
those girls and guys are; Ashlee,Sahara,Knight,Preston,Jemmye,Mckenzie,Eric,and Ryan.
already on the first episode Ryan gets in an argument with two of the roomtes. i think that he is gonna be trouble the whole season.
on a better note, they're livin in a posh, and decked out mansion in the heart on New Orleans.
all of the other roomates get along together, and thats gonna be a good thing come these next episodes.
so stay tuned, i will post something every wednesday about what went on, during the week's show.
or you can watch for yourself, the real world:new orleans comes on every wednesday at 10pm on MTv. :)
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