Today is the one year aniversary of Michael Jacksons death.
And i still can't believe that it has been one whole year since he died.
I remember this day like it was yesterday. When I found out he died, i was in total shock. i thought someone was playing a joke one me. See I am a pretty huge michael jackson fan. I love everything about him, his music, his stage pressence, his attitude, and everything he does. Although i never meet him in person, or i never went to a concert, i feel like i am close to him anyway, and like many other people i consider my self to be his BIGGEST FAN!
i was just telling my mom the other day that is death was the most publised death of a celebrity i had ever seen of my 18 years of living.
i wish that he was still alive, i wish that i was able to have seen him in concert.
We truly lost one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived, he is and will be truly missed.
With all his albums, concerts, special apperences, awards, and award shows, and movies, i don't know how anyone could forget about him. i know i will NEVER forget about him. RIP KING OF POP! Michael Joseph Jackson(1958-2009).
Being the first black person to air a video on MTV and the first person to make a actaual music video, like a movie... and also being a person to always give money to those less fortuante then him. im pretty sure no one will ever be on the status michael was on. Yes he had a contoversial life but all in all he was a good person. From his first album with his brothers to his last solo album. he is and will all ways be: THE KING OF POP!
And i still can't believe that it has been one whole year since he died.
I remember this day like it was yesterday. When I found out he died, i was in total shock. i thought someone was playing a joke one me. See I am a pretty huge michael jackson fan. I love everything about him, his music, his stage pressence, his attitude, and everything he does. Although i never meet him in person, or i never went to a concert, i feel like i am close to him anyway, and like many other people i consider my self to be his BIGGEST FAN!
i was just telling my mom the other day that is death was the most publised death of a celebrity i had ever seen of my 18 years of living.
i wish that he was still alive, i wish that i was able to have seen him in concert.
We truly lost one of the greatest entertainers that ever lived, he is and will be truly missed.
With all his albums, concerts, special apperences, awards, and award shows, and movies, i don't know how anyone could forget about him. i know i will NEVER forget about him. RIP KING OF POP! Michael Joseph Jackson(1958-2009).
Being the first black person to air a video on MTV and the first person to make a actaual music video, like a movie... and also being a person to always give money to those less fortuante then him. im pretty sure no one will ever be on the status michael was on. Yes he had a contoversial life but all in all he was a good person. From his first album with his brothers to his last solo album. he is and will all ways be: THE KING OF POP!
check out this video... in rememberance of michael :)
"you will never moonwalk alone"
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