I was watching ABC Family's newest show HUGE, which is about kids who are attending this fat camp. it shows they're feelings and things they go throught, its a sitcom, not reality. the main character Wllamina, who just goes by Will, is a proclaimed fat girl who doesn't think she needs to loose wait, but she goes through the program. there also another girl and her name is Amber, she's not the fattest girl there, but she wants to be thinner than she is.
this program really shows awarness on overweight nd semi-overweight kids and what really goes on in their every day lives at fat camp.
i believe that fat camp should be optional, because some kids and adults wish to be thin so bad, and you know what being thick, as in having a but and boobs and a stomach is sexy. thin is not in anymore, in my opinion. i like being curvy and i intend to stay that way!
so if your feeling down because you have extra fat in your legs or on your arms, don't sweat it, because all of that is beautiful! :)
if you need some inspiration just look at celebrities like: Queen Latifah,America Ferra,Jennifer Hudson, Tocorra and Whitney from america's next top model, and Niki Blonsky. these women are all examples of how curvy and full figured is sexy and acceptable! :)
oh yeah watch this show HUGE it comes on ABC Family, on Mondays at 9pm(check you local listings)
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